Celebrating a common home for Spain and Portugal.
EDP supported the "Portugal y Asturias: lazos y abrazos" cycle, carried out by the Tribuna Ciudadana cultural association, between October 2020 and January 2021.
Ties and Hugs
EDP was one of the sponsors of the "Portugal y Asturias: lazos y abrazos" cycle, held by the Tribuna Ciudadana Cultural Association.
The initiative kicked off with an event, held in October 2020, at Club Prensa Asturiana de La Nueva España, which was attended by Portuguese writer Lídia Jorge. "The Iberian Peninsula should be a common home for Spain and Portugal, without ever forgetting history," said the author at the beginning of the conversation, which also included the participation of Pedro Sánchez Lazo, president of the Tribuna, the psychiatrist and writer Ángel García Prieto, the writer Inaciu Galán and Fermín Rodríguez, professor of Geography at the University of Oviedo, who highlighted the links that unite the Principality with the Lusitanian country. The Counsellor of Culture of the Embassy of Portugal, Pedro Berhan da Costa, highlighted the importance of literature in Portuguese language, which transcends the borders of the country.
The Cycle closed on January 21, 2021, with the performance of the concert "Saudade-Señardá", which took place in the Chamber Room of the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium in Oviedo, and united Portuguese fado and Asturian tonada, in the voices of Margarida Soeiro and Anabel Santiago, accompanied by Rafael Pacheco (Portuguese guitar) and Armando Figueiredo (fado guitar), Richi Fuentes (piano) and Julio Gilsanz (guitar).
Tribuna Ciudadana is a collective of an eminently cultural nature, founded in 1980 in Oviedo, which promotes the development of science and culture in its broadest and most varied facets, through the promotion and realization of various activities aimed at the study, development and dissemination of scientific and cultural topics.
All this in a pluralistic context and with a special concern to maintain a balance in the participation of different tendencies. The philosophy of Tribuna Ciudadana derives from the words of Juan Benito Argüelles: "culture, when it is authentic, is something joyful, rewarding, and fun," and it is this reality that Tribuna Ciudadana has sought to convey throughout its existence.