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    970 results


    Chronological Curve (Loads Diagram)
    Graphical representation of the evolution of the load as a function of time. Note: When it comes to electrical power, it is referred to as a load diagram.
    CIP (Community Interest Places): Those places which contribute to the maintenance and restoration of natural habitats and protects species in their natural environment.
    Circular economy

    The Circular Economy includes: reduction in consumption through the repair and reuse of a product to extend its useful life; seeking different uses when a product no longer serves its original purpose; and, finally, recycling its components.

    Classic Thermal Power Plant
    Installation in which the chemical energy, contained in fossil fuels, solid, liquid or gaseous, is converted into electrical energy.
    Classified Areas
    Areas with nature protection status. In the European area, it includes the areas belonging to the Natura 2000 Network and the National Networks of Protected Areas.
    Classified Coal (Calibrated Coal)
    Coal belonging to a given granulometric class (see Calibration).
    Cleantech – Clean Energy Technologies, área que aposta em tecnologias sustentáveis e que contribuem para minimizar os efeitos da poluição no planeta. Exemplos: reciclagem, energias renováveis.
    Clear Sky (Serene Sky)
    Sky without clouds.
    Climate action

    Taking action, at the level of an individual through to that of a country, to organise for adaptation and resilience in the face of climate change, while also reducing the polluting emissions from which it originates. Climate Action also involves raising awareness among people about these matters.

    Climate Change

    Gradual changes in temperature and climate over time. In the last two centuries Climate Change has been more pronounced and severe, mainly due to human action, causing more droughts, floods, storms and other extreme phenomena.

    Climate Change

    Gradual changes in temperature and climate over time. In the last two centuries Climate Change has been more pronounced and severe, mainly due to human action, causing more droughts, floods, storms and other extreme phenomena.

    Climate Change

    Cambios graduales en la temperatura y el clima a lo largo del tiempo. En los dos últimos siglos, el cambio climático ha sido más pronunciado y grave, principalmente debido a la acción humana, provocando más sequías, inundaciones, tormentas y otros fenómenos extremos.

    CO <sub> 2 </sub> - Carbon dioxide
    Colorless, odorless gas, constituent of ambient air. In addition to natural sources, sources of human origin include the burning of fossil fuels, various industrial processes and changes in land use. Although it does not directly affect human health, it is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the potential of global warming.
    CO <sub> 2 </sub> Avoided (tonnes)
    Quantity of CO 2 that is avoided to the atmosphere by the use of renewable energies for the production of electric energy. The calculation is made on the basis of the following sources:> Portugal: EDP, National Electric Network (REN) and Regulatory Entity for Energy Services> Spain: Brazilian Electricity Network (REE)> Brazil: National Interconnected System Of America: state emission factors> Rest of Europe: Global Insight
    CO2 avoided emissions
    CO2 emissions that would have occurred if the electricity generated by renewable energy sources was produced by thermal power plants. For each country, this indicator is obtained by multiplying the net renewable energy production by the emission factor of the thermoelectric mix of that country.
    Organic fossil sediment, solid, combustible, black, formed of vegetable remains and solidified beneath geological layers.
    Coal Classification
    Several coal classification systems have been designed by different organizations, both for scientific and commercial purposes. Most systems are based on two or more parameters defining the degree of carbonization. The systems used differ from each other by choosing the parameters and limit values that distinguish coal types. Note: Specialized works must be used for detailed knowledge of the different systems.
    Coal Park
    Open deposit of commercial products from the mining operation, maintained to homogenizing its characteristics, and also to serve as a reserve and to maintain the balance between production and consumption , including the devices that facilitate the transport for unloading and loading.
    Coal Softening
    Process for converting coal into coke, gas or liquid product through gasification or hydration processes.
    Coal Types
    Subdivision of coal into different types according to degree of incarbonization (see Classification of coal).