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    971 results


    Wave Concentration
    System to increase the power of the wave in a certain zone using devices (such as submerged plates) to concentrate by refraction and in that space the energy of the waves of a front of waves more distant.
    Wave Energy
    The total energy of a wave is the sum of the potential energy of the fluid displaced from the mean water level between the vane and the crest of the wave with the kinetic energy of the moving water particles. The energy of the waves results from wind forces, which in turn are due to solar energy. Note: Wave power can be roughly calculated by the following formula: Hs2. Tc/2 kilowatts per meter of wavefront where H s is the significant wave height (measured from The crest to the dig) in meters (equal to 4 times the mean square deviation of the surface elevation during the measurement of a sampling, often equal to a period of about 20 minutes) and T c is The energy period, in seconds, calculated from the energy spectrum derived f rom the measurement of the samplings (see wave spectral note).
    Wave Energy Rectifier
    A sea bottom-mounted device incorporating high and low level tanks with one-way valves arranged to allow water from the wave crests to flow in the upper reservoir and out of the lower reservoir towards the The flow between the reservoirs makes a low-fall turbine work.
    Wave Energy User Device
    A device designed to capture wave energy for conversion into usable energy, which may or may not be electrical energy and which may or may not be transmitted to the coast.
    Wave Front
    Imaginary perpendicular surface to the propagation of the wave and moving at the phase velocity of the wave. The actual sea can be considered to be composed of multiple wave fronts. Some, but not all, can move in the same directions.
    Wave Loading
    Forces exerted by the waves on submerged and semi-submerged structures, calculated to form the basis of structures that must resist the forces of the wave.
    Wave spectrum
    Description of the energy configuration of the waves during the measurement of a sampling often about 20 minutes). (F) in abscissa and energy in a narrow frequency band (E (f)) in ordinate. A two-dimensional or directional spectrum has an additional dimension for the direction of the waves. The moments of the spectrum are of particular importance to characterize a set of waves; (M n ) is defined asfollows: 8
    0 f n E (f) df. (See Wave energy) is defined by 4 vM 0 and T c by M -1 < The power of the waves is therefore 7.82 M -1 kW per meter of wave front.
    weber (Wb)
    Magnetic flow unit. Weber is the magnetic flux which, traversing a single-loop circuit, produces an electromotive force of 1 volt when it cancels out in a second as it decreases uniformly. 1Wb = 1V.s
    Weekly Storage
    Storage for which the reservoir has a weekly filling and emptying cycle.

    Well-being is a positive state experienced by both individuals and societies. It is determined by external conditions and encompasses quality of life and the ability of people to contribute to the world with a sense of purpose. At EDP, we take a holistic view of well-being, considering five dimensions: physical, emotional, social, professional, and financial.

    Wind Cut Speed
    Wind speed from which the wind turbine ceases to provide power to the shaft for a well-defined peripheral speed in a given turbine.
    Wind Energy
    Wind energy is directly linked to solar activity on the planet, creating differences in atmospheric pressure and temperature differences. The horizontal air currents act permanently on the whole of the terrestrial globe, with vertical air flows due to the evaporation of the water of very extensive sea surfaces. The direction of the wind is also influenced to a certain extent by the rotation of earth as a consequence of Coriolis forces.
    The wind energy produced by these air currents is only available with a variable intensity. The latter varies from total calm to extreme hurricane conditions.
    In contrast to solar energy, the availability of wind energy, although variable, is not influenced by daytime-nocturnal habit. This Section includes the physical and technical terms related to the implementation of wind energy on the future development of which there is strong hope.
    Wind Power Plant
    Central with a chimney that uses upward flow current of greenhouse air under a large collector surface. The air stream drives a turbogenerator to produce electric power. Note: The area covered by the collectors can be used for crops, taking into account their greenhouse characteristics.
    Wind Speed
    Relação entre o caudal (m3/s) e a superfície (m2) atravessada pelo vento.
    Wind speed not disturbed
    Wind speed upstream of the turbine and not influenced by it.
    Wind Start Speed
    Wind speed from which the wind turbine begins to provide useful power to the shaft, corresponding to a well-defined peripheral speed in a given turbine.
    Wind Strength Frequency
    Total time in a given period, usually one year, during which a wind force value predominates.
    Wind turbine
    Installation in which a wind turbine drives an electric power generator. Note 1: Wind turbines can be applied in the production of small and medium power and are particularly useful in the case of isolated systems. Note 2 : The term commonly used in the US is: WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System). Note 3: Wind farm - is a set of wind turbines to produce electricity.
    Wind Turbine, Windmill
    Device that allows to transform the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy. Note: The applications of wind turbines are essentially linked to the production of fixed power or electricity (in this case, the name wind turbine is preferred - see Wind turbine). There are also applications of wind turbines in pumping water for irrigation, etc.
    (See Firewood).