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    971 results


    Hydroelectric Utilization of Accumulation by Pumping; Pumping and Turbine Installation
    Hydroelectric Power Plant which has two reservoirs, one upstream and one downstream, as well as their pumping and turbine facilities, which allow the water stored in the upstream reservoir to be returned to the reservoir upstream, after its use in energy production.
    Note 1: A hydroelectric power station in a reservoir(see Reservoir Hydroelectric Power Station) may also be equipped with pumping facilities. Note 2: Pumped water should not be considered as primary energy to avoid double counting.
    Hydrographic basin
    The surface of the land, measured in horizontal projection, from which the water from a watercourse actually flows to the point considered.
    Hydrological Year
    Period of one year (twelve months) based on hydraulicity criteria.
    Hydrolyzing (Catalytic Hydrogenation)
    Treatment of organic materials at high pressures in the presence of a hydrogenated body, at temperatures in the order of 300 ° C. With the aid of catalysts, oils with a good fuel content can be obtained.
    Hygroscopic Humidity
    Humidity that forms during the drying of the fuel with a dry air at a temperature of 106 ° C +/- 2 ° C.
    Hypothetical Resources
    Presumed resources assessed during the initial phase of the survey in a region, according to the first known data or the first discoveries.
    Hypothetically exploitable deposits
    Deposits whose exploitation could become economically viable in the foreseeable future.


    I&Dand Innovation Expenditure
    Corresponds to the amount of expenditure on measures to increase the stock of knowledge taken by each company owned or managed, controlled by management or subsidiaries, by the EDP group, which were capitalized or allocated to the year.
    Immediate Analysis
    Determination of contents of humidity, volatile matter and ash.

    At EDP we define achievable goals and execute them with responsibility and reliability, taking actionable steps to deliver and achieve them. We are driven towards: planning and identifying possible problems and risks; defining ambitious but achievable goals and tracking progress and measuring outcomes; acting instead of reacting; pushing self and others to keep on track.

    ImplementationArea of wind farms in protected areas
    Areas classified as protected by nature. In the European area, it includes the areas belonging to the Natura 2000 network and the National Networks of Protected Areas
    Quantities of primary or derived energy entering national territory (political and non-tariff boundaries), excluding energy in transit. Note 1: Import data are generally from the declarations of importers; may therefore differ from those established by the customs services in the external trade statistics. Note 2: In certain cases, some energy in transit are accounted in imports and exports.
    Inactive Storage (Dead Volume)
    Volume retained in the reservoir below the minimum level of exploitation.
    Angle of inclination of a surface, for example the surface of a lath, measured in relation to the horizontal plane.
    Inclined Plane
    Communication between two accessible holdings or communication between two holding areas.
    Income Tar
    Amount of tar obtained by a standard dry distillation method, expressed as a percentage of mass of the tested material.
    Increased value
    Balance of production account, which includes in resources, production, and in jobs, intermediate consumption, before deduction of consumption of fixed capital. It has economic significance both for the institutional sectors and for the branches of activity. GVA is valued at basic prices, ie it does not include taxes net of subsidies on products.
    Independent electrical system (IES)
    Designation, in Portugal, of the electrical system composed of SENV and Production in Special Regime.
    Index of Resistance to Shock (Index of Resistance to Fall)
    Measurement of fracture resistance when the fuel is subjected to a fall test under certain conditions.
    Infrared Radiation
    Radiation corresponding to wavelengths between 760 nm and 1 mm. Note 1: The infrared domain of solar radiation (760 nm to 5 m) and terrestrial radiation (above 5 m) should be distinguished. Note 2: Between 50 m and 1 mm the radiation is usually referred to as far infrared.