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    971 results


    Environmental fines
    Monetary value corresponding to fines or damages to third parties due to non-compliance with environmental legislation.
    Environmental Impact Study (EIA)
    Set of documents and technical studies, prepared by the proponent of a project, within the scope of the environmental impact assessment procedure. It includes, among other information, an identification and assessment of the likely positive and negative impacts that the project may have on the environment and measures to avoid, minimize or compensate for the expected negative impacts.
    Environmental investment
    Amount of capitalized environmental expenses taken by each company owned or managed, with management control or subsidiaries, by the EDP Group, with the purpose of avoiding, reducing or repairing environmental damage and meeting the criteria necessary to be recognized as an asset: Generate future economic benefits, be measured reliably, be identifiable and expected to be used for more than one period.
    Environmental Management System (EMS)
    Part of a global management system, which includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for continuous improvement of environmental performance.
    Equipment for the Exploration of an Electrical Network
    Set of equipment that serves to explore the network, that is, to carry out the sectioning and connection maneuvers. It includes cut-off elements, such as circuit-breakers, on-load switches and disconnectors, and signaling and monitoring elements, as well as those which enable remote control.
    Erosion Zone, Subdivision Zone
    Downstream zone of the dam affected by subsidence or erosion.
    Regulatory Entity of Energy Services.
    Estimated Reserves
    Reserves whose volume or mass can be classified according to the degree of research carried out for this purpose.
    Estuary Resonance (Bay Resonance)
    Effect whereby the amplitude of the tide in an estuary or bay becomes greater than the amplitude of the tide in the high seas due to a resonance that occurs when the estuary or bay configuration is of the order of magnitude of the tidal wave length That a natural free oscillation frequency of the estuary or bay is in phase with the frequency of tidal oscillation, the system having no other source of energy than the tide. Note: Estuary resonance or bay resonance and tidal amplification can occur simultaneously.
    Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol)
    Alcohol produced by the fermentation of plants containing glucose, such as sugar cane, beet, etc., or by hydrolysis followed by fermentation from amylaceous or cellulosic substances. Note: Ethanol may be mixed with petroleum products to obtain fuel of economic interest.
    Excavation Machine
    Machine used in open-air exploration or in storage areas for the recovery of recoating land, solid or other bulk materials deposited in an excavation or a hopper. The machine moves parallel to the edge of the excavation or bulk material store, picks up this material with a bucket chain or a rotating blade and empties it onto a conveyor.
    Exploitation machinery used in the open for dismantling and loading (solid mineral raw materials, coverings or other materials). These machines can be of several types, namely: rotating blade, chain with buckets, mechanical shovel and trailing blade.
    Situation of supply superior to demand.
    Excess Flow
    Flow rate (see flow) flowing through a stream of water flowing through a section of the bed situated downstream of a point of a water intake.
    Exchanges, Transfers and Returns
    Flow of energy products outside the energy transformation and final consumption lines (eg blending of petroleum products, enrichment of natural gas, etc.). Note 1: Exchanges and transfers for unprocessed mixtures may be intended to improve the final product, to introduce a product into the distribution circuit (eg coke oven gas supplied to gas plants to be mixed), or to be used A product whose classification has been changed (eg reclassification of liquids from natural gas to LPG, etc.). Note 2: Returns essentially cover petroleum products returned to refineries for recycling.
    Maximum energy which, under certain thermodynamic conditions (ambient conditions), is convertible into another form of energy. Is a quantity that allows us to evaluate the convertibility of energy.
    Exploitable Thickness
    Thickness of deposit body that can be, has been exploited or whose exploitation is possible.
    Exploitation by Access in Flank of Hill
    Underground operation during which access from the surface to the bed of coal is carried out by of a horizontal or slightly inclined gallery.
    Explorable Fields
    These deposits, which are assessed at a given moment according to certain valuation criteria, are considered as economically exploitable.
    Exploration by Chambers and Pillars
    An exploration method in which the coal is extracted from a network of large section galleries, generally of rectangular mesh, in order to divide the layer into a large number of chambers and pillars.
    Note: This system is preferred in certain countries when it comes to thick and shallow layers. If surface subsidence phenomena are not to be feared, the pillars can be extracted later, in a separate operation called pillar recovery.