We are aware of the importance of our activities as a driver of development and improvement in the quality of life of local communities. That is why we actively contribute to the preservation of the Environment and Natural Resources, as well as to Sustainable Societal Development.

The mitigation of environmental impacts, part of EDP Environmental Policy, is ensured by environmental management systems certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015, aligned with a Corporate Environmental Management System (SIGAC), applicable to "corporate management of the policies, commitments and environmental performance of the EDP Group worldwide", Certified since 2008 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (certificate no. ISO 14001 - 0030519).

In 2021, we obtained ISO 14001 certification for 90% of the assets with potential environmental impacts. These assets include all activities in the value chain - production, distribution and commercialization.

Know the EDP Group's Performance Indicators and learn more about the Group's Environmental Management Systems: EDP in Portugal | EDP Espanha | EDP Renewables



protect the environment
protect the environment

Biodiversity is an essential asset

Our economic growth model is the main responsible for the unprecedented scale of biodiversity loss we have been experiencing. Biodiversity loss and the collapse of ecosystems are some of the major threats facing mankind over the next decade. Biodiversity loss is already listed as one of the five most likely global risks for the next decade. Scientists estimate that species loss rates are already 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than normal, with one million animal and plant species under threat, and that 60% of the services provided by ecosystems are either deteriorating or being used in an unsustainable manner. 

We know, evaluate and consider our dependencies and impacts and the species (see list and evaluation) potentially affected by our activity. Thus, we preview a mitigation hierarchy with measures to avoid and minimize the impact and restore and compensate when it occurs, in the different countries where we stand.

Apart from that, we also take into account risks and opportunities in decision-making processes.

What we do to halt biodiversity loss:

Biodiversity is under threat, and global goals depend on everyone's contribution. It is in the context of this global challenge that the Group's Environmental Policy has been devised, with specific biodiversity commitments, and it is also in that context that we further commit to:

  • Not to build new generation assets in UNESCO World Heritage Natural Sites, in order to ensure that we continue to have no presence in these territories
  • Set a No Net Loss of biodiversity goal for all new projects with significant residual impacts until 2030. To achieve this, we want to reduce the impact to the point where there are no adverse effects on biodiversity
  • Act in children’s and young people’s education area to preserve biodiversity, with programs such as Junto à Terra (Close to Earth), Escolas com Energia (Schools with Energy), and many others. In terms of research, we co-finance the EDP Biodiversity Chair at Porto University.


Other Projects:

Biodiversity Report 2015-2019

Nature is our main resource

Natural resources are scarce, and it is imperative to champion their sustainable use and abandon the economic models and consumption patterns that are leading to their destruction.

As a new business model, the concept of Circular Economy aims at reducing waste and providing a more efficient management of natural resources. However, this approach requires a change in our current economic model - a linear model consisting of production, consumption, and disposal. Learn more about the EDP Group's Circular Economy approach.


We are reducing emissions

Reducing emissions is one of our commitments. That is why we use the best economically viable technology to minimize our environmental footprint.

Protecting the environment

Reducing emissions


We are managing waste in a sustainable manner

Our waste management strategy focuses on reducing waste production and channeling it to valorization processes.

The waste generated by EDP's activities is collected and stored separately before being sent to licensed waste management operators, who will then subject it to previously determined recovery processes. Learn more about our waste management and Circular Economy strategy.

We protect the environment

Circular economy as a waste management strategy

Efficient management of natural resources requires a change in our current economic model.

We at EDP believe that the concept of circular economy is the right choice, and we are implementing this vision in all our business units. 


Our work cannot be dissociated from our respect for the Human Rights of all employees, partners, and other stakeholders.

We thus have our Code of Ethics and Sustainable Development Principles, which allow us to set strict goals with a view to respecting and enforcing legal and contractual rights, eliminating prejudices and unjustified discrimination, preventing and protecting against any abuse, and providing adequate reparation in case of any breach. EDP joined the Global Compact Initiative in 2004 and reports annually on its practice and progress in this area.

Compromisso com a sociedade e os direitos humanos
Compromisso com a sociedade e direitos humanos

In order to implement the UN Guidelines/Ruggie Principles, we have created the EDP Group Human Rights Monitoring Program (PMDH in its Portuguese acronym), which will make it possible to systematize procedures and improve methods for assessing and managing risks related to possible human rights violations, covering relationships with suppliers, facilities, international deals under development, procurement, and mergers.

The PMDH was based on the following documents: EDP Human Rights | UN Guidelines | Impact Monitoring Guide | Global Assessment Form 

As a result, every year we release a report: 2019 Human and Labor Rights Report | PMDH2018PMDH 2017 | PMDH2016

Moreover, we seek to take an active role in local communities. To do so, we develop human rights and social inclusion programs and campaigns, involving our employees in these solutions.

Social Investment

We promote and support social, cultural and environmental campaigns with the goal of contributing to the sustainable development of the societies in which we operate.


In 2011 we created the EDP Volunteer Program, which aims to establish and strengthen lasting relationships with local communities based on dialogue and mutual benefits.

Through the EDP Group's Foundations and various business units, we implement several programs - whether with third parties or on our own - which leverage corporate volunteering by mobilizing the skills of our business units and employees while also encouraging the involvement of the Third Sector and multistakeholder cooperation.


EDP Foundation 
EDP Spain Foundation
EDP Brazil Institute

Educational and Community Projects

We support several programs and projects in the communities where we operate. Learn more about these educational projects. 

Measuring investment in the community:

In order to measure our voluntary contributions to the community, we use the LBG (Measuring Community Investment) method.

In 2019 the EDP Group voluntarily invested about €26 million in the community, thus contributing to the projects of 2,490 organizations. Discover the categories in which we have invested.


now or never

We contribute to the SDGs

We at EDP are strongly committed to 9 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs.

ods e edp

energy for everyone

We contribute to access to energy

We at EDP are strongly committed to bringing electricity to communities that don't have access to this resource. To do so, we have created the A2E Fund.

We take care of our people

Our workers are the main reason we keep growing and achieving our goals.

That is why the importance we accord to prevention and safety goes beyond merely complying with legal requirements. With the help of all our employees, we aim to achieve 'Zero accidents, no personal injuries' in all companies within the group.

However, our contribution goes beyond these goals - we want our workers to feel fulfilled, treasured, and supported. That is why we regularly put in place activities, measures and campaigns that are important for their professional and personal development. We support volunteer activities, create working conditions that allow employees to grow and shine, support them and their families, and provide internal and external training with the help of the EDP University - in addition to many other measures and programs. Moreover, we support greater diversity and inclusion.

diversity and inclusion

We put in place measures and initiatives that have an impact on employees

We believe and invest in a challenging, flexible and balanced work environment.


EDP's response plan to Coronavirus

To respond to Covid-19, EDP has been developing a set of preventive and contingency measures, with the aim of managing the impact of the pandemic situation on employees, service providers and the business of the Group's companies.

Treasuring and Engaging Stakeholders

Listening to, understanding and cooperating with our stakeholders allows us to anticipate challenges, minimize business risks, and create new relationship opportunities.

This engagement therefore allows us to go beyond mere compliance with formal legal requirements.


Relationship with Stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement in the EDP Group is a strategic priority for maintaining an open, transparent dialogue between the company and its stakeholders.


Transparency in Institutional Relations

We value transparency in our institutional relations, which is why we carry out our activities with the goal of sensitizing policy-makers and lawmakers about the legitimate interests of the company and/or the industry.