In Spain, improving energy efficiency for vulnerable families
Within the framework of the Solidarity Energy Program, since 2015, the EDP Foundation has promoted projects related to improving energy efficiency in the homes of vulnerable families and in the premises of NGOs, in the areas where it has traditionally been carrying out its activity, that is, Asturias and the Basque Country. To this end, it has been managing various alliances with entities such as Cáritas and the Red Cross, as those in charge of selecting the recipients of the corresponding actions.
Until the arrival of the COVID 19 pandemic, this program had been carried out with the collaboration of EDP volunteers, who went to the homes of the beneficiaries and entrusted the execution of the corresponding actions to the electrical material, the installers and suppliers of electrical and gas material of the business group.
As of March 2020, this activity is being carried out by EDP Solar, which carries out the intermediation activity between NGOs and installers. Since June 2022, Cáritas Española has also carried out this intermediation work in the specific areas agreed with Fundación EDP. The previous actions will be incorporated in 2023 to the area of Energy Inclusion.