Kakuma Refugee Camp, in Turkana West, hosts more than 186,000 refugees from about 14 countries. The current population is mainly from South Sudan (50%), Somalia (26%), and Great Lakes African countries. The majority of refugees are young people, most of who aspiring for higher prospects of life. With all these prospects, electricity has always been a major challenge. Kakuma has no reliable energy systems focused on help small businesses grow. 


Project promoter:

SAVIC Africa

Kakuma Refugee Camp

Okapi Green Energy aims to enhance productive livelihoods and general living standards by providing quality, affordable, and reliable electricity and internet connectivity to refugees and host communities in Kakuma. The primary target groups are businesses, community-run centers, and households in the Kakuma refugee camp.

The Okapi Energy+ is a mini-grid that will supply pay-as-go electricity to customers according to their consumption need. The mini-grid will spread within a 1 km radius from the generation site connecting 70 low residential customers, 50 mid residential customers, 30 high residential customers and 50 commercial institutions.

Expected outputs:

  • 200 customers with 24/7 electricity (800 direct beneficiaries)
  • Access to electricity (health, education, income generation)
  • Job creation
  • Business empowerment
  • Replication potential, with increase awareness among Kakuma Refugees

Status December 2022:

  • Construction of the powerhouse and installation of the solar mini-grid 
  • Organization of community awareness sessions 
  • Governmental licensing process completed 
  • 200 customers connected (58 businesses, 1 religious' institution, and 141 Households)  
  • Several community trainings and workshops held to promote the use of clean energy specifically solar power 
  • Execution rate: 100% 


Main Classifications
Economic Dev
Impact (results)
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries
20 kWp
Installed power
A2E Fund - Program
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